SunLine "Beam Signing" Ceremony
WHAT: SunLine Transit Agency Beam Signing Ceremony for the new 25,000 square foot Administration Building and Park and Ride Facility
One year ago, February 26, 2013, the SunLine Board of Directors broke ground on the Agency’s new Administration Building, and the Park and Ride Facility. This “Beam Signing” Ceremony will mark another milestone in the project and is similar to a traditional “Topping Out” ceremony. The SunLine Board of Directors, General Manager, Lauren Skiver, and Doug Wall, the General Contractor, will take part in the ceremony.
WHEN: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 | 10:00 AM
WHERE: SunLine Transit Agency | 32-505 Harry Oliver Trail, Thousand Palms | Media parking on street adjacent to SunLine | Shuttle into construction site provided. See attached map.
WHO: Coachella Valley Media, SunLine Transit Board Members, Elected Officials
RSVP: Mary Borders @ (760) 343-3456 ext. 124 |
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: SunLine Board Members and the Doug Wall Construction Company will sign the final beam that will be placed into the structure. Similar to a traditional “Topping Out” ceremony, this marks a milestone in the construction project. When the final steel beam is moved into place, it will be both an expression of pride by the workers that the frame has been completed, and heighten the anticipation of the upcoming project completion. Rooted in strong tradition, “Topping Out” ceremonies date back a thousand years to the Scandinavian people and mark the building reaching its maximum height. The flag will be raised to the highest point for this ceremony, but old tradition placed an evergreen at the top of the structure to symbolize bringing life and growth to the building.
Media inquiries contact Jeff Ziegler at (451) 623-8772 or email or Stephen Crane at (951) 530-1495 or email
posted 2/18/2014