Download Apps

The apps below allows riders to schedule, pay and monitor trips. Transit App helps riders monitor our bus system and schedule their next ride, the SunRide App allows passengers to book a SunRide, and Token Transit allows riders to buy fare and passes on our Fixed-Route buses.

Have an app that you use to complete your trips and don't see it below? Use our "Live Chat" to share the app with us and tell us why you use it.

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Transit App

Google Play Store (Android): Click Here

iOS Store (Apple): Click Here

SunRide App

New App will be coming March 18

Google Play Store (Android): Click Here

iOS Store (Apple): Click Here

Token Transit

Google Play Store (Android): Click Here

iOS Store (Apple): Click Here

GTFS Data for Developers

SunLine Transit Agency is pleased to offer access to our schedule data meeting GTFS specifications. Our data feed is available for download here. This feed is updated regularly so make sure you check often. The data includes all of our stops, routes, trips, scheduled info, and geographic data for our system.
