Pantry to People - FILL THE BUS
For seven years, SunLine has sponsored the “FILL THE BUS” food drive every holiday season. Hunger in the Valley happens year round and after speaking with recipients of past food drives, they were clear that there is still a great need for food during the summer.
So SunLine and the Palm Desert Rotary have teamed up to help non-profit charity organizations including Food Now and the Galilee Center.
Indio Councilmember and Chairman of SunLine’s Board of Directors, Glenn Miller says, “This is a perfect time for the community to help struggling families. If you are a seasonal resident, it’s a chance to clean out your pantry before heading back home. If you’re a full-time Valley resident, it’s just a chance to give back to the community.” SunLine General Manager, Lauren Skiver, says, “As the Agency’s focus on the community goes beyond providing public transit, we again ask our generous part-time and full-time residents to assist those less fortunate.”
Residents may donate non-perishable food items at one of our drop sites located throughout the Valley:
- Law Offices of Naran Reitman
75100 Mediterranean / Palm Desert - Palm Desert Chamber of Commerce
72559 Hwy 111 / Palm Desert - I-10 Toyota
78980 Varner Rd / Indio - SunLine Transit Agency
20825 Harry Oliver Trl / Thousand Palms
Additional drop sites include Desert Falls Country Club, Palm Valley Country Club, Monterey Country Club at Indian Ridge, Sun City and Mission Hills.
More information about SunLine can be found at | Media inquiries contact Jeff Ziegler at 415-623-8772 or email or Stephen Crane at 951-530-1495 or email
About SunLine Transit Agency
SunLine Transit Agency is a joint powers authority formed in 1977 to operate the Coachella Valley's public transportation system. Its vehicles travel more than 21 million passenger miles per year, covering 536 bus stops located throughout a 1,120 mile-service area. SunLine offers fixed route bus service and curb-to-curb paratransit for the mobility impaired.