SunLine Board Appoints New General Manager
Thousand Palms, CA – September 13, 2013: The Board of Directors of SunLine Transit Agency has appointed Lauren Skiver as its General Manager.
Mrs. Skiver is a 16 year veteran of the transit industry. She currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the State of Delaware Transit Corporation (DART) headquartered in Wilmington, DE. Larger than SunLine, DART operates 500 revenue vehicles, has 500 employees, an annual operating budget of $100 million, and a capital budget of $10 million. She has experience with alternative fuel vehicles and extensive experience working with taxi cab operations.
Before joining DART in April of 2012, Lauren held the position of Deputy Chief Operating Officer of Core Services for the State of Maryland Transit Administration (MTA). There, she was responsible for operation and budgets for Maryland’s fixed route bus system, Mobility Paratransit Service, Light Rail, Metro Subway and the MARC Commuter Rail systems operating in the State of Maryland.
From 1997 to 2006, Lauren worked for the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority working her way up from Maintenance Administrative Assistant/Analyst, to Director of Paratransit and Customer Service.
Lauren served in the United States Army from 1987 to 1995 as a Switch Operator/Imagery Analyst. While in the Army, she possessed a Top Secret-Special Background Investigation Security Clearance, was a member of Battle Damage Assessment teams during operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and was a finalist for soldier of the year in 1993.
Originally from San Diego, Lauren is familiar with the Coachella Valley and is looking forward to moving her family here.
SunLine Board Chairman, Indio City Councilman Glenn Miller, said he is very excited to welcome Lauren to SunLine. Chairman Miller further stated, “She will have the great opportunity to work with our outstanding Board and staff to move the Agency into what promises to be a very bright and exciting future.”
About SunLine Transit Agency
SunLine Transit Agency is a joint powers authority formed in 1977 to operate the Coachella Valley's public transportation system. Its vehicles travel more than 2.8 million miles per year, covering over 500 bus stops located throughout a 1,120 mile-service area carrying approximately 4.5 million riders. SunLine offers fixed route bus service and curb-to-curb paratransit for the mobility impaired, and regulates taxicab service.