SunLine Board Participates in DUMP THE PUMP - Save Money - Ride Transit
SunLine Transit Agency participated in National “Dump the Pump Campaign” sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) by hosting a media day June 19th to kick off the 2013 National Dump the Pump National campaign. Dump the Pump is a day that encourages people to ride public transportation and save money. SunLine staff showcased its alternative fuel technology buses and facilities to the media, official officials, board members, and invited guests on Wednesday June 19th by providing a ride on a SunLine bus demonstrating how safe, clean and easy it is to “Dump the Pump”. SunLine is committed to controlling fuel costs for its operation by producing its own clean alternative fuels, not to mention it makes the air easier to breathe.
Tours were provided of SunLine’s State of the Art Learning Center. The Learning Center was made possible through a strong public-private partnership to educate the public about the evolution of transit and SunLine, the latest technologies, production of clean fuels, and exploring the possibilities of the future. The Learning Center was an opportunity to see how transit works and how easy it is to “Dump the Pump”.
SunLine is proud to partner with American companies in the development of green technologies, which are an integral part of our new buses made right here in Riverside County. According to the Interim General Manager Roger Snoble, “I think most residents would be intrigued to know that SunLine is a national leader with CNG and Hydrogen fuels, producing both right here in the valley”.
posted 6/26/2013
About SunLine Transit Agency
SunLine Transit Agency is a joint powers authority formed in 1977 to operate the Coachella Valley's public transportation system. Its vehicles travel more than 2.8 million passenger miles per year, covering 500 bus stops located throughout a 1,120 mile-service area to deliver services to more than 4.5 million passengers. SunLine offers fixed route bus service and curb-to-curb paratransit for the mobility impaired.