SunLine Transit Agency Extends 6th Annual Student Art Contest Deadline for Local K-12 Students
Driving the Future of Sustainability in the Coachella Valley
(Thousand Palms) – The deadline for the 6th Annual Student Art Contest has been extended to Monday, June 28, 2021. Students in Kindergarten through 12th grade, who have not already submitted artwork, still have the opportunity to get creative with the theme, “Driving the Future of Sustainability in Coachella Valley.” This year’s contest is especially important for local youth as they look for opportunities to get more involved in the community. The contest gives students a goal to work towards while teaching them about the benefits of clean energy and the public transit system.
For the second year, high school students—grades 9 through 12—are encouraged to submit artwork for the contest. Similar to previous years, one first-place winner will be selected from each grade category. The artwork of the first-place winners will be displayed on SunLine’s state-of-the-art hydrogen fuel cell electric buses. The artwork of honorable mentions will be displayed at local bus shelters near their respective schools.
Students who are interested in extending their learning and contribution to the future of sustainable public transportation are also invited to apply to join the newly formed Youth Sustainability Committee. Student members will get to be a part of implementing initiatives and policies related to topics such as zero-emission technology, energy conservation and air quality. The deadline to apply is also Monday, June 28. To learn more about this opportunity, please visit
Full contest rules, instructions for submitting artwork, and inspiration for art can be found at Artwork must be turned in no later than 11:59 p.m. on Monday, June 28, 2021. Be sure to follow SunLine Transit Agency on social media, @SunLineTransit, for artwork inspiration!
SunLine Transit Agency is excited to partner with this year’s event sponsors, City of La Quinta, City of Palm Desert and Inland Empire Health Plan. These organizations in the Coachella Valley sponsor the bus wraps and have their logo prominently featured on both sides of the bus.
About SunLine Transit Agency
SunLine provides public transit services in California’s Coachella Valley spanning 1,120 mile-service area and carrying approximately 4.2 million riders. It has pioneered zero-emission bus deployments, particularly for hydrogen fuel cell electric buses (FCEB). In 1993, SunLine’s Board adopted a voluntary policy of pursuing alternative fuel solutions that provide the lowest possible emissions, which led to SunLine becoming the first transit agency in the state to convert its entire fleet to compressed natural gas (CNG). SunLine is committed to transitioning its entire bus fleet to zero-emission by 2035. SunLine Refueled is a multi-tiered initiative that brings exciting new transportation alternatives to the Coachella Valley. To learn more about SunLine Transit Agency’s services and policies, go to