4th Annual Student Art Contest
4th Annual Student Art Contest | Entries Due Friday, May 17th
Theme: “SunLine Buses are Important for the Coachella Valley and the Environment”
As a leader in alternative fuel solutions, SunLine’s buses are environmentally friendly and don’t pollute the air. The art contest is a way for our local youth to learn more about the advantages of clean energy and the public transit system. Participating students should create a message about how public transportation improves the environment. The message should be incorporated as part of the artwork. The art should include buses and landmarks that are unique to the Coachella Valley, such as: mountains, palm trees and windmills.
The SunLine Student Art Contest is open to all elementary school students, grades K-5th, and middle school students, grades 6-8th. One winner will be chosen from each category, elementary and middle school, for a total of two winners.
- The SunLine logo must appear on any drawings of buses.
- Artwork may include crayons, paint, markers, or colored pencils. No digital art.
- All words must be spelled correctly.
- The back of the poster must include the following information and it must be legible: student’s name, home phone number, grade level, school name, and teacher’s name.
- Each student may submit only one poster design. The design must be original work created by the student. The poster must measure 11” high x 17” wide. The design should be laid out horizontally and submitted on regular paper or heavy paper such as poster or card stock.
Entries should be mailed or personally delivered to:
Nancy Reyes
SunLine Transit Agency
32-505 Harry Oliver Trail
Thousand Palms, CA 92276
The winner will have his or her artwork fully wrapped on our latest Hydrogen Fuel Cell bus. The winning entry will also be posted on SunLine’s website, sunline.org, or other printed / digital materials.
All artwork becomes the property of SunLine Transit Agency and may be used for advertising, sales or promotional purposes that may include regional media coverage with appropriate credit to the artist. By entering the contest, you consent to have your name and photograph appear as one of the winners.
For more information about the contest, please contact Nancy Reyes by email at nreyes@sunline.org or phone 760-343-3456 Ext.1702.
Entries Due: Friday, May 17, 2019
Bus Wrap Sponsorship
SunLine Transit Agency seeks your participation as a sponsor for the 4th Annual Student Art Contest. The art contest provides an opportunity for our local students, in grades K-5th and 6-8th, to have their artwork displayed on one of our latest Hydrogen Fuel Cell buses for a year. One winner is chosen from each category, elementary and middle school, for a total of two winners.
As a leader in zero emission technology, SunLine’s Hydrogen Fuel Cell buses provide environmentally conscious public transportation. As such, the art contest exposes students to the public transit system and helps teach them about alternative fuels. To enter into the contest, students must incorporate images of the transit system, the environment, and Coachella Valley landmarks.
We look towards you as a leading organization in the Coachella Valley to help sponsor the bus wraps. In return for your support, your organization’s logo will be prominently featured on both sides of the bus and space will be provided on the tail of the bus for an ad. The logo and ad will be on the bus for one full year providing your company advertising as the bus travels throughout the Coachella Valley. Our advertising package for a similar amount of time and size is valued at $15,000 per bus. In addition, in partnership with your organization, we will host an unveiling event to showcase the fully wrapped buses and our local artists. SunLine Transit Agency will work with you to create a slogan for the bus that speaks to our collaboration.
We are seeking sponsorship for two buses and each wrap costs $5,000. If you are interested in sponsoring one bus ($5,000) or both (for a total of $10,000), please contact Nancy Reyes at 760-343-3456 x 1702 or emailnreyes@sunline.org.
Your sponsorship will make it possible for this contest to continue its successful tradition of showcasing our community’s young talent.
Click here for the Sponosorship info Student Art Contest - Sponsorship Packet.pdf